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Modelling Cost Distance/Access Time

Network Analyst


Urban Atlas: Rome

The major areas of the Urban Atlas of the city are Continuous Urban Fabric, Discontinuous Dense Urban Fabric, Industrial Commercial Public Military Private Units and Green Urban Areas. Arable Lands also penetrate within the city. Patches of Discontinuous Dense Urban Fabric are visible on the outskirts of the city indication contemporary development or suburbs.

Nearby Analysis is a refined version of the accessibility to the green urban areas. The distinguishable concentric (almost homogeneous) green area also indicates that with the urban growth of the city, the city has been provided with green urban spaces.

15 buffer zones of 1000m each were required to cover the area of Urban Rome. Some areas which are situated outside the 15th ring. The remote sensing images indicate them as urban areas which is quite difficult to believe to be a part of Rome.


Correlation Analysis:

Crime and Population

04 Crime-Population.jpg

Annual Temperature Visualization: INDIA

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